Saturday, July 12, 2008


leaving underwear around

washing clothes in the toilet and/or bathroom and making the floor all wet

leaving wet clothes hanging until they stink

incessant ringing of the doorbell or knocking of the door and refusing to answer it

cluttering an already tiny shower stall

dirtying the microwave oven and not cleaning it

hogging sinks with clothes

using cutlery and cloths belonging to other people and not washing them

not flushing the toilet properly and leaving behind pieces of shit and bloody (literally) toilet paper

leaving drops of blood on the toilet seat and not cleaning it up!!!


At July 13, 2008 1:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These people are really gross. I can't believe they are girls. I thought girls are supposed to be neat and tidy. Well, obviously your post proved me wrong. How disgusting.


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