Sunday, May 22, 2005

reading is fun!

i've just finished reading artemis fowl: the opal deception. good book. some recommended readings for fans of the fantasy genre(i think they're considered fantasy): lord of the rings, harry potter, the chronicles of narnia, the artemis fowl series, the barbed coil, the bartimaeus trilogy, and books by diana wynne jones. an artemis fowl movie is in production but i don't think a cast has been picked yet; and the lion, the witch and the wardrobe will be in cinemas this december.

the da vinci code is, of course, also a good book. the movie is due to be out in 2006, starring tom hanks. if u've read the book, try these web quests: and

naz has inspired me to blog. i told her i'm easily excitable so she decided to add me on the periodic table of elements. my symbol is Ch for cherilium. highly reactive, easily excitable, very very very low ionisation energy. i'm the 4th most electronegative element after fluorine, oxygen and nitrogen. common oxidation numbers are -2, -1 and +2. i form a beautiful diamond-like compound with platinum in an ore called nazurite. :)


At May 22, 2005 1:41 pm, Blogger wazzo said...

extraction of cherillium involves heating with its ore nazurite at 800deegrees calcius with a nickel catalyst.

oo ooo!! lend me artemis fowl!! been wanting to read it for yrs!! =P

At May 22, 2005 8:54 pm, Blogger Cherie said...

it's van's book. hehe. n u shud start from the first one.


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