Wednesday, August 29, 2007


exams are over! i hope i passed. germany and france next week.

time to catch up on smallville.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

i hate ulcers

my ulcers are so bloody stubborn. i've tried bonjela, oral aid, mouth wash, salt. my ulcers just don't heal until they want to. so annoying!!! oh, alcohol seems to work though, if i drink enough. the small glass of whiskey coke the other night didn't help but when i drank last time, my ulcers healed.

however, my ulcer now is damn huge. but i won't put some gross pic here. i've been putting salt for the past 3 nights and it's so freaking painful, but the ulcer just keeps growing happily. yesterday for the video exam, i probably looked more scared and uncertain than i really was coz i can't smile or talk properly with my stupid ulcer near my lip. and i'm feeling something starting on my tongue too. arghh go away!!

Monday, August 20, 2007


woman comes in asking for something for her husband's athlete's foot. it's red, itchy and the skin's not broken. he's had it for 10 days. he tried some powder thingy which could be lamosil but it didn't work. it's only on his feet.

so i don't think it's athlete's foot. i blanked out and couldn't think what else it could be. do people get dermatitis on their feet? i gave aqueous cream and asked the woman to bring her husband to the doctor.

ok, on checking google, it could be dermatitis. i forgot to ask if he exposed his feet to anything new. dammit. is it enough to ask the wwham questions? arghh die lah. does this stupid video role-play exam even count for anything??!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


no pp3 exemption for me. i made too many mistakes.

i hate showering in cold water. besides shivering, chattering teeth and gasps of coldness, there's also the rushed, unsatisfied, have-i-cleaned-myself-properly? feeling. grr.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


exams are over! or at least the ones that involve lots of studying are. pp3 still to come.

some people are just so cute!

american shows are better than british ones.

*kick kick* hahahaha

this is funny.

holidays are coming!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

what's with their bagpipes?!

they play it everyday and now i can't tell whether i'm just imagining it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

ong kok hai in the newspaper

prof ong is in the star for producing some new skin-care products...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


view from naz's room (click to enlarge)
view from kitchen window