Saturday, October 27, 2007


i recently bought a bottle of conditioner and i just realised that it's actually shampoo, although it's in the kind of tube conditioner usually is in. no wonder my hair's been a bit dry. i've actually been shampooing it twice.

sometimes you think you've found what you want, then it turns out to be something different, something not quite what you thought it would be.


how do i describe how i feel? the pain, the desolation, this very bitter disappointment.

i really cannot understand it. why must you be so complicated?

i don't know what to do.

what do i do now?

what do i do now?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


why am i not worth the effort?
why am i never important enough?

what will i do now?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

psycho uncle

this is little shantiny. isn't she cute? she's about 3 months old and she's mixed kadazan and indian. guess whose niece she is. you'll never guess coz they bear absolutely no resemblance. she's the poor niece of an evil psychotic obsessive guy called sreetharan a/l chelliah who is publicizing his innocent little niece to the world without her permission. upon growing up, i'm sure she will kill him for putting her little face everywhere. then it will be the end of sree the tree! brought to his knees by his favourite niece before he's able to take over the world. muahahahaha!

Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
see this!!!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
like scroll to the bottom
Cherie says:
sheesh ur niece on other ppl's blog
Cherie says:
Cherie says:
wad abt ur own blog?
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
its non functional
Eers~tinkerbell says:
isnt she cute!!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
now i shall paparazzi her!
Cherie says:
hahahahaha psycho uncle
Cherie says:
poor baby
Eers~tinkerbell says:
she's well advertised!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
do u want to put her on ur blog too>!
Eers~tinkerbell sends:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
her eu goo!!!!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Cherie says:
wahhh need meh
Cherie says:
poor girl
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Cherie says:
exposed to the whole world
Eers~tinkerbell says:
she needs attention
Eers~tinkerbell says:
yes the scottish world
Eers~tinkerbell says:
make sure u show her to all ur scottish friends
Cherie says:
i don have scottish frens
Eers~tinkerbell says:
u suck
Eers~tinkerbell says:
show it to some random scottish guy then
Cherie says:
eeee paedophilic
Eers~tinkerbell says:
click accept!!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
show it to ur hse mates then!!!
Cherie says:
You have successfully received C:\Users\FSDF\Documents\My Received Files\Photo-0114.jpg from Eers~tinkerbell.
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Cherie says:
Cherie says:
wad's her name?
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
nice biggg biigggg posts bout her k
Eers~tinkerbell says:
remember to write how cute she is n how there maybe a genetic link to someone in the family u might know
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
say her uncle perhaps
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
give the photo to van naz ky n the sort n ask them to blog bout it too!!!
Eers~tinkerbell says:
Cherie says:
Eers~tinkerbell says:
oh oh ask van if she's ever so nice to do those little poems she does so well
Eers~tinkerbell says:

Monday, October 15, 2007


i was supposed to meet my project supervisor this morning but she postponed the meeting to friday and i didn't know coz i forgot to check my mail. arghh so stupid. and last night i was panicking coz i couldn't finish reading the journals and i slept late and i woke up early for nothing. zzz

Sunday, October 14, 2007

research project

Project Title: Synthesis and preliminary evaluation of novel gene delivery systems for tumour targeting

Project Description

Genetic therapies based on the understanding of the molecular biology of cancer hold the promise of safer and more efficacious anti-cancer medicines. In order to be able to exploit the full potential of such therapies, it is critical to be able to administer such therapies systemically, in a specific way, so that inaccessible tumours (i.e. metastases, inoperable brain tumours) can be treated. However, the lack of safe, efficacious and target-specific vectors is a major bottleneck for gene therapy to date.

The aims of this research project will be to synthesise and briefly evaluate targeted non-viral gene delivery systems. This project will involve “basic” chemistry, and an initiation to tissue culture and in vitro analysis.

Each student in the team will be allocated a different vector or targeting strategy, thus the group as a whole will be able to compare the preliminary data obtained.

i'm only reading journals now and can die already. i don't understand half of what they're doing and saying. die la, die la...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

nursery rhymes

when we were young, my sister and i used to like watching this video tape of nursery rhymes. the rhymes were acted out by people or puppets, or just by illustrations and it was supposed to be a book so sometimes the pages would flip and bring you to a new scene. it was quite cool. one of my favorite songs was soldier soldier won't you marry me which goes:

soldier, soldier, won't you marry me
with your musket, fife and drum
oh no sweet maid, i cannot marry you
for i have no coat to put on

so off she went to her grandfather's chest
and she brought him a coat of the very very best
and the soldier put it on

soldier, soldier, won't you marry me...etc

and it goes on with him asking for shoes and a hat and then finally saying he can't marry her for he has a wife of his own. which i find is a weird song to teach children, although i didn't really realise what it meant back then.

another favourite was mary mary quite contrary which i just found out is about either queen mary I of scotland or england, or both. in the explanation that refers to the scottish queen, 'cockleshells' suggests that her husband cheated on her while 'pretty maids all in a row' refers to her babies that died. in the explanation that refers to the english queen, 'how does your garden grow?' mocks her infertility whereas 'silver bells and cockle shells' could be referring to instruments of torture, the former used to crush thumbs and the latter attached to genitals. so dark!

humpty dumpty is about a powerful cannon used in the english civil war which was destroyed and couldn't be fixed. ring around the roses refers to the bubonic plague or black death. jack and jill refer to king louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette who were beheaded. apparently nursery rhymes were used to mock the royalty and spread subversive messages. but really, what strange things to teach children who won't even understand them.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

wth #*%#!@^*

i need earplugs.

Friday, October 05, 2007

a quick simple meal

eelynn and van went for bible study tonight so i had to find my own dinner. i decided to make sardine spaghetti. it tasted really good and it was so easy too. i boiled the spaghetti for 10 minutes. while waiting for it, i mashed up some sardines in tomato sauce, sprinkled a bit of cheese and italian herbs, added a few drops of olive oil, and then tore up some ham and lettuce so it's a more balanced meal. then i drained the spaghetti and poured it over the ingredients. i covered it for a while with the pot to melt the cheese and heat the ingredients a little. add more tomato sauce to taste. voila! nice spaghetti with minimal cooking and washing. i'm happy. :)