Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do this survey.1. sidney
2. shing
3. shieve
4. angeline
5. vanessa
6. nazurah
7. ee lynn
8. khai yong
9. aaron
10. yun
11. paul
12. fish
13. kevin
14. hazwan
15. kong fui
16. alvin quah
17. alvin lai
18. cherie voon
19. joseph
20. tiong
How did you meet 14?haz! i went for dinner with club 98 and this cool malay dude who looked chinese came along too. haha
What would you do if you never met 1?sid!!! hm..i'd go on leading a boring life? i wouldn't be as happy as i am now, for sure. :D
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?tiongky and aaron?? hahaahahaha
Did you ever like 19?joseph! haha no. but i noticed him at the foosball table during his orientation. hehe
Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?naz and alvin lai! lol. i don't think so..
Describe 3.
shieve! my best friend since primary school. sweet, funny, nice, kind, caring, supportive..a great friend. we had lots of good times together. :)
Do you think 8 is attractive?khai yong! erm, i guess so. haha. (but i'm not interested!!)
Tell me something about 7.ee lynn! my sam classmate whom i only got to know better in imu. super emo girl. tsunami twin. serial killer. hahaha
Do you know any of 12's family?fishy! er..he made me wave at his sister before. haha
What's 8's favourite?khai yong again? foosball and dota!
What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?polly! omg! hahahahah. i'd tell him i'm flattered but i have sid. lol!
Who is 9 going out with?aaron! rinoa!
How old is 16 now?alvin quah! 18. but mentally, i think he's about 6. haha :P
When was the last time you talked to 13?kevin! the wednesday night before i came back to kuching, i guess, about 2 weeks ago.
Who's 2 favourite band/singer?shing! uh oh..jay chou? hehe.
Would you date 4?angerine! haha. sure, if i were a guy. :)
Would you date 7?ee lynn! *thinks of the foosball rods* hahah jk!
Is 15 single?kong fui! yes!! come and get him! hahaa
What's 10's last name?yunnerer! tan!!
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?omg, paul again! this is twisted. lol. i have sid and that's enough!!!!!
Which school does 3 go to?shieve. uh oh..crap crap crap...i don't remember!! some business school in london.. what a lousy friend i am. sorry shieve!!!!
Where does 6 live?nazzy wazzy! kl. hartamas?
Whats your favourite thing about 5?vanoosy! she's crazy!!!
And I tag.....ee lynn, khai yong, naz, van, yun
got the dates all wrong. i thought the kl people were coming yesterday so i asked aaron if he had any plans for dinner. he thought i was asking him for dinner so we had dinner with his cousin, van, and 2 of van's friends; although van and i were the only ones who ate. then we left van with her friends and went around padungan booking places to chill and planning for when the kl people come.
ok, aaron wants to be alone with rinoa on monday so van and naz, you guys are stuck with me. i'll try to get a car. no idea where to go though.. haha
fine mother's day
followed my mom to church last sunday coz it was mother's day. then celebrated mother's day with my cousins n grandparents at the sarawak club. my little cousins are still as little as ever. two of them still can't remember my name. met sebastian there. his family was at the next table. he said he came back for mother's day. when we were leaving, we saw tiara jaquelina and her husband at the entrance of the club. her husband's some datuk from kuching.
yesterday i drove around town by myself. yes!! congratulate me!! haah. went to pick my mom up from work and go to the bank and stuff. among the places we went to was the post office where my mom had to pay a fine.
the mothers of kids in form 1 in lodge school are certainly getting something special for mother's day this year. the moral teacher decided the kids should make their mothers a card with a poem inside and mail them in time for mother's day. what she/he did not know is that manila card is heavy, and with a card approximately the size of to A4 papers when opened up, it requires a 50sen stamp instead of 30sen. so all mothers will have to visit the post office and pay a 50sen fine before collecting their precious gift.
i'm still sick from redang. the doctor prescribed me something for my cough, cold and fever, but no antibiotics even though my phlegm is green. my medicine is almost finished but still no improvement. will have to go back to him later and ask for some freaking antibiotics.
oh, and i permed my hair again. my mom said it wasn't curly enough last time so they made the curls smaller so it would be curlier. it looks...weird. maybe it's my fringe too, but i think i look like a schoolteacher or an aunty or something. damn. i hope it looks decent by the time i get back to imu.
naz, rinoa and i think eeyan are arriving around 5 later. then we'll be going out for dinner. will be going to damai with them, van and aaron on thursday. hopefully, i'll be well enough to ride the banana boat thingy.

clear blue water


snorkelling is not for the weak

khai yong the alpha male at work

redang reef resort

dayung sampan


blue sand!

me with my pina colada and hansel's drink, and hansel at the back

me with naz the buzz


diving center

khai yong's man island. looks like a man lying down

ah, the sea
exams are finally over!!!! in descending order of difficulty: pharmaco > biopharm > microbio > physical pharm
going to redang with my batchmates tonight. will be back on monday night. the next post will be redang photos. til then. :)