so busy
got so many things to do now. finish research project, edit the bulletins for dis, sort out my ccu paperwork, learn nephro stuff, prepare for my critical appraisal presentation, finish filling in my long-overdue ipd figures, prepare for my ccu house is curently under renovation. no one wanted such extensive renovation but my dad insisted. sheesh. so last weekend, even though i had lots of work to do, we had to move out to my uncle's "extra" house. he usually rents it out but there are currently no tenants so he let us stay for a lower rent. we have to stay here for at least 2 months. and i wasted rm190 buying some booster thingy to boost the weak wireless signal from his house (he lives next door) but i couldn't set the thing up. 190 down the drain. arghh. so i bought the celcom broadband thingy which is so expensive. rm300+, then about rm68 a month. sigh. so pissing off. but i need internet to do my work.
ccu was so nice and relaxing and air-conditioned. i barely did anything. now i'm doing nephro and it's horrible. the wards are so hot and stuffy and the rounds are so long and start late. i felt nauseous the first day and had to come down before the round was even over. everyday i'm so tired and i only clerk like 2 or 3 new cases a day and take even less medication histories. i don't know how doctors do it all the time. i can't stand for so long. i don't have stamina for such stuff. i became a pharmacist to sit in guardian, ok. and i'm on-call this week which makes it even more tiring. next week i need to work harder to make up for my lousiness this week. my preceptor is nice but it's too obvious that i don't know anything.