Monday, March 03, 2008


day 1 - this is us waiting at prestwick airport for our flight to stockholm which got delayed for more than an hour
day 2 - our hostel in stockholm. there were 14 of us in the group.

skansen open-air museum and zoo

ron so proud of his picture with a pony. he's so funny.

there's like a garden growing on the roof

elks, strange-looking animals
at some park. what an interesting book.
kah wei the monkey king
in the new town
day 3 - landed at kiruna airport
pretty snowflake!
while waiting for the tour to start, me, naz and eelynn built our first snowman! not easy ok. we wanted to make a life-sized one but the snow just refused to be compacted. at first it looked like anson's favourite kind of shit, then i found a round ball of snow to be the head so it finally resembled a snowman.
we went snowmobiling. i tried a few rounds round the lake and decided it was too tiring so i was the passenger the rest of the way.
this is us around a campfire. we couldn't see the northern lights coz it was too cloudy and snowing.
day 4 - outside our hostel. 3 of us plus yannee stayed here. the others stayed at yellow house which had no space for us.

frost inside a car window

me sitting on a snowmobile which i shared with naz, but she happily did all the driving

i made a snow angel

my lovely snow angel!

on top of the world!

on our snowmobiles on top of the mountain

we went back to camp where they cooked reindeer meat and potatoes for us. the red stuff is lingonberry jam and we also got hot lingonberry juice to drink. it's good!


we had been split into 2 groups. first we rode the snowmobiles while the other group rode the dog sleds. now it was our turn on the dogsled. the dogs pooped a lot while running and occasionally we had to stop for them.

on the dogsled

after the tour, we then went looking for reindeer. after getting lost a few times, hansel finally found them.

then we went to yellow house to wait for leif, our tourguide to call us if there were northern lights. while waiting, anson the brilliant architect/engineer offered to build snow slides for us! he made like 6 or more slides that night. it was so fun!

this is me on the level 1 slide


and here's a video of me on the highest level slide. super high and steep. i had trouble positioning myself on the sledge at first. then ron kept wanting to push me before i was ready. :P

and eelynn and i made a second snowman

day 5 - we went to the ice hotel which is so cool it deserves a post on it's own, maybe tomorrow. then they made lunch for us again.

reindeer meat first, then salmon. this is salmon with potaotes. yum.

we decided to stay and wait for northern lights since it was our last night there. meanwhile, we went ice fishing! nolar. ron was so excited to fish, he tried to drill a hole in the ice but it was too thick. then some french ppl we were with found a hole and this is us posing with it.

one of the french guys. they stayed in the sauna and then this crazy guy decided to come out and run around a bit in the cold. look he's steaming!

us sitting on reindeer skin while waiting for the northern lights. we only got to see a bit and didn't manage to get any photos.

day 6 - back in stockholm. this is the city hall

confiscated items at the airport

super tired and all ready to go home

and here's some swedish money


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