Thursday, November 01, 2007

noise pollution

last night, i was woken up by some loud music. i thought it was a party so i called patrol. after i put down the phone i realised it sounded more like tv or radio coz a guy was talking. so obviously, patrol could not find a party and the music went on. half an hour later, i called again to tell them it's some idiot listening to a radio damn loudly and they tell me they went to check earlier and heard nothing so this will be the last time they're checking, as if I am the one being annoying. then the moment i put down the phone, the music stopped. arghh!

wtf ^&*&#!$%&%*^@*!!!!! who the heck plays the stupid radio so damn loud in the middle of the night anyway. i hate the location of my room. it's right next to the kitchen so i can hear any noises from the kitchen, and i can hear any parties in the kitchens upstairs and downstairs, and i live above an idiot who blasts his radio at 3am. #&$#@*%@ i tell you!!!


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