random stuff
yesterday, my mom took me to parkson and spent almost rm1200 on clarins facial care products for me to use in scotland. but then we got rm200 worth of vouchers coz it was members' day or something.
kryptonite has been found. i guess kevin ng boon han@superman@sperman is in big trouble. haha.
lodge school's sports day was today. my brother participated in three events and won two medals - a silver for 800m and a bronze 4x400! i'm so proud of him. :D my lousy sister didn't even know he was in 800m and she was cheering for the guy in blue house even though she doesn't even know him, just coz she used to be in blue house. red house came in first overall, followed by purple house and yellow house.
darlie is way too minty for my liking. colgate's better!
pork satay is yummy!
on the way home from my grandma's house, my dad saw something lying on the road. he turned back for a closer inspection and we saw a 3-foot long snake!
imu ball

the six of us squeezed into kevin's car

c98 with their kuching dates

kuching gang

"happy" people :P
hansel performing his wheelchair man song

me and hansel

van, kong fui, me

sidney with a teracotta statue

he wanted me to stand next to the naked man. haha

on the grand staircase

been shopping for my prom dress with naz, van and ee lynn for the past two days, and yesterday i finally found it! yay! i'm very picky and indecisive so here's a very huge thank you to them for their opinions and patience and time and petrol. you guys are the best! :D
no more internet at home so i've been playing this game called emperor where you build cities and conquer others or produce 50 bars of iron or whatever the mission requires you to do. and i kindof suck at it so i tend to have to redo missions and it takes ages. and i end up wasting the whole day.
anyways i'm bored in the e-lab now. just finished my finals last week. last minute studying as usual. here's a graph to show how hard my exams are getting(the top line) and how hard i've been studying(the bottom line obviously).
laziness and overconfidence will be the death of me. sigh. when will i ever learn.
and here's another bruise to add to my collection of bruise photos. it appeared out of nowhere. i have no idea how i got it. and it was blacker the first time i saw it. really dark purple.