Sunday, January 28, 2007


are ants programmed like lemmings to stupidly drown themselves in water?

this stupid dented blue striped couch is giving me a backache.

i hope to finish my stupid dd3 report by today.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


last night's dinner at reika's house turned out to some kind of class party. i had thought it was some kind of housemate dinner. i only realised it when i went downstairs to meet alvin and saw 20+ sem4s there. eep! i felt pretty out of place amongst her batchmates. luckily alvin and jeng haw were there. but her house is really nice. there's a japenese-ish pond-garden thingy outside and a jap dining room inside. and she has a music room with a keyboard, an organ, and a grand piano! her mom gives lessons. i had no idea the organ was such a freaking cool instrument. there's a set of keys for the right hand, another for the left, and one for the feet. and you have to play the feet pedals without looking! it produces the sound of 3 musical instruments at once. from outside, when she played the theme song for pirates of the carribean, we thought it was the actual soundtrack on a player! i think i'm gonna send my kid for organ lessons next time. haha

on a different note, i have one week to finish my dd3 report, one week to study for biopharm, and another to study for dd2. brilliant.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

monster name decoder

Cursed, Hitchhiker-Eating Ravager from the Isolated Earth

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


i've been cooking recently. as in rice with meat and vege, not just instant noodles or pasta. :P

the working lady moved out. reika, a half-jap sem4 medic moved into her room. she invited me to her house for dinner on sunday. scared!

yun and paul moved downstairs. and paul's gonna move the internet down soon. boohoo! :(

i have utterly failed to keep doing daily revision. no surprise there.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

cheers to the new year

my internet bill hasn't been paid so i've been deprived of internet for the past week or so. i'm typing this in the computer lab now, waiting of ong chin eng to start the class.

the new year was celebrated at khai yong's house, with fondue and alcohol. had my first hangover. ugh. didn't take many pictures, but here's one of terrorblade aka naz: