spider infestation
they're damn huge. and they're in my living room. be afraid. be
very afraid...

orientation is finally over.
i'm damn sick and right now, and my misery is currently over-shadowing that from orientation. although, yea, i'm probably sick coz of orientation. my nose is so blocked that i have to breathe through my mouth. it really sucks not being able to breathe properly. and my stomach hurts from all my coughing. feeling slightly feverish too. won't be able to stay up for the all-nighter as i feel tired(haven't been able to sleep properly, because of my blocked nose i suspect) and the doctor recommends lots of rest. :(
anyways, just updating coz naz thinks we've grown out of blogging and quah jing xian thinks my blog is boring again. :P
happy valentine's day!
t'was a good day... haha :)
happy chinese new year!
got back to kl on saturday. went chinese new year visiting with club evil on monday. lousy quah jing xian only stayed for a little while. thanks very much to ee lynn, khai yong and kong fui for the visiting. learnt to play mah jong from kong fui and his brother. mahjong is fun! haha.
had a yee sang and steamboat party at jessyca's place last night. thanks very much to jessy for hosting it and mei fong for slaving over the wonderful soup. and to ee lynn and jackson for washing up. and to everyone else who made it happen. mafia is fun too! had a great time last night! :)


yee sang!


chicken flavored



erm...no comments about renard..

whiskey at work :)
my mom brought me to see an ear, nose, throat specialist yesterday morning to find out why i'm always coughing. since i'm also having a flu, the doctor stuck a endoscope or whatever long thin metal stick camera down both my nostrils to check my nose. urgh..not comfortable in the least. he then promptly diagnosed me with sinusitis and did no further examination on my throat besides the usual open-your-mouth-and-say-ahh exam. which pissed me off. we told him twice about my long-term coughing but he said nothing was wrong with my throat. like he was satisfied just having diagnosed me with sinusitis. i went to him to have my throat checked - not my nose!! and he charged me rm130! hmph!
then in the afternoon, my dad took me to change my driving license. it was surprisingly quick. i took my number, with about 90 people ahead of me, and within 20 minutes it was my turn. all the lady did was ask for my P license and a photo, type my ic number into her computer, snip the photo smaller, print out a card, and laminate my photo with the card. rm150 for five years. i am now a proud holder of a proper driving license. hopefully i will get to drive more.. hehe.
my uncle(the one who lives near pwtc) is staying over for cny as he does for a week or so every year. he's slowly poisoning us with his second-hand smoke as usual. he throws his cigarettes in the toilet bowl and drops ashes around and complains about my grandma's cooking. bleh.
i'm down to 45kg now. it sucks. i drown in my new pants. i'll soon be disappearing into nothingness...